--Paul Simon
--Art Garfunkel
--Simon and Garfunkel
--ESPN anchors
--Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock
--Kevin Bacon
--Combo remote controls
--the Dish when I want Cable and Cable when I want the Dish
--distinguishing between Ruby Tuesday, TGI Friday and Applebees
--political talking points
--rachel maddow
--ed schulz
--when they show people IM'ing or emailing "in real time" in movie scenes, especially with the words materializing on screen; alternatively and even worse is when they have the typist mouthing - audibly or not - the words they are typing rather than show you the words appearing on screen. imagine your hearing me speak out the words you are reading....right....now.
--any use of cell phones in movie scenes
--the militarization of the NFL
--the second round of awful patriotic music at baseball games. even the first one is un-ncecessary
--people who mock the mock turtleneck
--GM's, players and coaches who dismiss their futility by saying they just need to execute better; conveniently absolving themselves of any blame for just plain sucking, or having devised a bad plan
--the banjo
--drum solos. and that means everyone. keith moon, charlie watts, john bonham, trucks and johansson, i don't care who. no one's.
--live albums with gratuitously extended applause intros and outros. goes double when said cut is desired to go on a tape mix
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